Aura and Chakra Healing


Colour of Aura

a mostly unperceived link

storing emotion.


Hurts locked in our hearts

form energy blocks of pain

aura shows us all.



alien to our nature

stifles our spirit.


Expressing feelings

is the key to releasing

emotional block.


The key to health is a clear aura and bright coloured chakras where universal life energy is received and circulated round the body.  Energy blocks within our system caused by emotional problems, indoctrination, abuse or past life trauma fester in the aura and cause illness in the body.  For those who can see auras problem areas show up in colours of grey or dirty green. 


The picture showing a healthy aura is from ‘Hands of Light’ by Barbara Ann Brennan ‘ A guide to healing through the human energy field’.


Prompt AURA from Haiku Heights April Challenge.


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