Tag Archives: raised from the dead

Valley of the Shadow of Death


Here lies the entrance to the otherworld, an ancient underground city beside the lake of fire.

Lit by fine crystalline spheres the corridors stretch for miles, yet in the ‘solitary chamber’

a single candle flickers on the reflections of the neophyte dressed in white.

Meditations of metempsychosis give way to the doorway of the Tree of Life.

In a shift of time he passes the Guardian of the Gate to see symbols of the Sun, Moon and Blazing Star.

Within the ‘chamber of death’ his master teacher guides his transformation of flesh to radiant energy.

Concentration of breath relaxes the cell-body and the spirit finds its Divine atom.

In possession of this seed a near death experience allows the exploration of higher realms.

Three days and three nights amongst the heavenly world bestow brilliance of spirit,

then he is raised from the dead before dawn to bathe in the Sunrays of a new morning.


For dVerse Poets’ Pub
